Quit Smoking - Hypnosis Works And Lasts
10/06/2009 10:04 AM
The dangers of smoking have been studied and analyzed for years. The
detrimental effect of smoking o
Derren Brown Roulette - Fail or Fallible?
10/03/2009 05:05 PM
Did anyone else watch Derren Browns "Beat the Casino" show last
night? In summary, Derre
Braid's Theory of Hypnotic Suggestion
10/03/2009 07:35 AM
Braid’s Theory of Hypnotic Suggestion Excerpt from The Discovery of
Hypnosis: The Complete Writings
Hypnosis, Free Will, and Determinism
09/30/2009 11:03 AM
I went to the Renaissance Festival recently and viewed the show,
"Hypnosis," in which Bo
Change your Thinking
09/30/2009 09:21 AM
Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man
was allowed to sit up in his
Hypnotic Botox
09/25/2009 11:40 PM
Want To Join Me On Twitter?
08/31/2009 04:41 PM
Relaxing Blocks Game
07/07/2009 03:46 PM
Free Positive Affirmations Screen Saver
06/27/2009 08:58 PM
BIG Changes!!
03/27/2009 09:33 PM
An NLP Anchoring Technique
11/02/2008 02:11 AM
Here's a video that's up on both Free Hypnosis Treatment [2] and
Hypnobusters [3]. It contains information on how to perform an NLP
anchoring techique on yourself, which can have a myriad of uses.
Friday Silliness On Monday
09/29/2009 03:18 AM
This caught my attention and I just had to share. After all, imagine
if you could heal thyself?
They Asked, So I Answered....
09/22/2009 10:17 PM
Skirt.com states that they are all about women....their work, play,
families, creativity, style, health and wealth, bodies and
souls....skirt is an attitude! I guess I must have attitude, because
they interviewed me for their monthly item called 24/7.
They asked questions such as if I ...
Why Your Hypnotic Inductions And Suggestions Are Failing (and how to
eliminate this for good!)
10/01/2009 11:11 PM
It seems every day five or six copies of the same email (albeit from
different addresses) arrive in my inbox;
I watched a video / read a few articles, and tried a few instant
inductions on my [friend, girl ...
Review: The Art Of Covert Hypnosis by Steven Peliari
09/21/2009 05:26 PM
Have you ever watched a psychic or 'mind reader' at work?
What they do seems just amazing, after just meeting you, often before
you have even spoken and without them doing any research or knowing
anything about you at all, they can get right inside your ...
Real World Street Hypnosis Seminar - The Videos
09/19/2009 06:47 AM
As you may have heard I recently taught a Street Hypnosis seminar in
Auckland, New Zealand.
It was a really fun day with 20 students of varying abilities wanting
to get more confident with instant and rapid induction and hypnotic
suggestion. It was very hands on and everyone there got ...
Would you try a non-traditional birthing method?
09/26/2009 06:13 AM
Would you try a non-traditional birthing method? Yes, HYPNOBIRTH.
Yes, water birth. No, I’ll only stick to traditional methods...
HypnoBirthing: Would You Try It?
09/23/2009 06:00 PM
Are you interested in HYPNOBIRTH or any kind of breathing and
relaxation techniques for labor?  Has anyone tried the
HypnoBirthing Method?
I Love Augusten Burroughs
09/22/2009 03:00 AM
I'm also rotating between reading that along with a couple of twin
books and a book on HYPNOBIRTH. Lots going on for me!
Anyone else NOT want to prepare?
09/18/2009 12:53 PM
So I'm avoiding all birthing videos and HYPNOBIRTH information and
even considering foregoing Bradley and all of that.
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