Yay, Kourtney Kardashian is planning to use hypnosis!
10/21/2009 01:14 AM
I just read an article which says that Kourtney " recently claimed
that she is planning a drug-free hypno-birthing." That is great! I
wonder which hypnosis for childbirth program she is using? Hypnobabies
is a great choice because it has medical grade hypnosis and so many
tracks to ...
Keep Mom and Baby Together after birth
10/20/2009 02:41 AM
6. Keep mother and baby together - it’s best for mother, baby, and
breastfeeding - lead author Jeannette Crenshaw, MSN, RN, NEA-BC,
IBCLC, LCCE, FACCE This is so important. Hypnobabies talks about
birthing stage 2.5, the time right after the baby is born is the ideal
time for baby ...
Joanne in North Carolina â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
10/17/2009 09:53 AM
Joanne Dahill, HCHI, CHt, CD (DONA) GCFT, LMBT (NC lic #548)
919-416-9831 journey2health@verizon.net
http://www.journeyofmotherhood.com/ Serving women of the Triangle in
NC Offering: Hypnobabies childbirth education classes (group &
private) Birth doula services, including hypno-doula ...
Pregnant Moms are more hypnotizable!
10/17/2009 06:10 AM
A study done in Australia shows that moms are more hypnotizable while
pregnant. This is great news for moms wanting to use Hypnobabies!
Wonderful Hospital Hypnobabies Birth
10/15/2009 01:06 AM
On June 17th, a Wednesday, I felt homey. Â The sky was gray in the
afternoon and I took that as an excuse not to go to my yoga class.
 This was unusual, as I really enjoyed my yoga classes, but I felt a
little fatigued. Â I went to bed, to rest, and started reading a [...]http://nyonyakecil.wordpress.com/2009/10/21/baby-preparation/
Baby Preparation
10/21/2009 12:35 AM
OK here is my update about the baby: - Dia masih betah di dalam sana.
Due date nya 22 Oktober (kamis
Wonderful Hospital Hypnobabies Birth
10/15/2009 01:06 AM
On June 17th, a Wednesday, I felt homey. Â The sky was gray in the
afternoon and I took that as an ex
Men singing acappella about hypnobirth... can't get any funnier!
10/15/2009 12:09 AM
Griffyn's Hypnobabies Home Birth Story
10/08/2009 05:32 AM
I found out I was pregnant with Cooper, Son #3! Â I didn't want to
have a replay of Jack and Ri
http://worldwidewhiskers.org/2009/10/21/cat-hypnotist/ cat
10/21/2009 08:47 PM
This is George. He is a registered hypnotherapist in the UK. He is
also a cat. George's owner
10/21/2009 01:37 AM
Fertility issues or preconceptual guidance is part of the midwife's
role and is something I am
Lawrence Miller Talks About Hypnotism as a Career for Baby
10/15/2009 11:22 PM
School for Hypnosis - BlogTalkRadio.com - Wednesday @ 8:30 PM PDT
10/15/2009 11:08 PM
Cat is a licensed hypnotherapist: "You are very sleeepy...you will
give me fiiish"
10/13/2009 07:53 AM
The regulation of hypnotherapists in the UK is so lax that even a cat
can become accredited, the BB
What Creates The Most Impact In Life?
10/01/2009 10:30 PM
Does what you do or what you expect to happen have the most impact?
And is the impact felt purely b
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