Christy shares her daughther, Caroline’s Birth
10/28/2009 10:28 AM
I do have pictures on my blog. It is the unedited/non hypnobabies
version of my story and even longer! In fact I had to post it in two
parts. I actually had a photographer there and have over 250 pictures
but as you can imagine not all are suitable for posting on the web!
Here is our blog: Part ...
Beautiful Unplanned Home Birth
10/27/2009 04:21 AM
Background: We live in Taiwan (Asia). DH left on a long and necessary
business trip to Europe and planned to return to Taiwan at 39w. While
this was cutting it close, I myself was born a week late and I'd read
that first babies usually take a little longer to "bake" so I figured
Rose in Maryland â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
10/24/2009 09:43 AM
Rose Quintilian HCHI (240) 631-8177 Montgomery County, MD As a Hypnomom of
two great kids, I KNOW that Hypnobabies can work wonders! My
experiences were so wonderful, I had to become a Hypnobabies
instructor. I'm so excited to be helping ...
Elise’s Easy and Comfortable Hypnobabies Hospital Birth
10/24/2009 04:12 AM
Our precious baby girl was born 2:40 a.m. on September 29! Â Here is
the story: I was working at my laptop at the dining room table until
after 11:30 p.m. on the 28th (my "guess" date). Â I was having some
mild contractions, but I had been having them for two months due to an
irritable ...
Sheridan Ripley â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
10/22/2009 09:04 AM
I am Sheridan and I am addicted to Hypnobabies. I took Hypnobabies
with Carole for my 3rd baby (Bryson) and LOVED it. I had an
incredible birth which now more than 460.000 people have seen on You
Tube. The other day Bryson (who is almost 4) said, "You aren't my
mom."Â I ...
"Where Do We Go From Here?" Veronica #6
10/28/2009 03:10 AM
Miguel woke shortly after I did to notice the snowstorm that was
outside awaiting us. It wasn’t snow
10/26/2009 12:00 PM
Spellbound To be enchanted â€" By the inflection of your charms as
the intimacy behind your unwavering
Smoking Ban getting to you down - Hypnosis or Hypnotherapy
10/26/2009 02:44 AM
Is the Smoking Ban Getting You Down? Do you find yourself in the
Great Outdoors yet again puffing aw
cat hypnotist!
10/21/2009 08:47 PM
This is George. He is a registered hypnotherapist in the UK. He is
also a cat. George's owner,
If you had two minutes for your perfect customer what would you
10/25/2009 09:54 PM
A few months ago I had the opportunity to speak at a large consumer
trade show. Before my talk I was
What if this was meant to be good news?
10/25/2009 09:50 PM
Einstein once said that in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity,
which is the inspiration for t
What if things weren't so obvious?
10/25/2009 09:45 PM
Let me share with you a quote from Edward DeBono, a prolific modern
day thinker. It's Obvious!
What are your customers most unhappy with?
10/25/2009 09:40 PM
This month's article really came as a fluke. Here I was looking up
famous quotes on the Intern
What did you learn today... and how will you use it tomorrow?
10/25/2009 08:21 PM
My niece was staying with us for a few days and she had just finished
her one-hour of devotional rea
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