Birthing Choices: HYPNOBIRTH
10/28/2009 07:30 PM
Among the many birthing choices that a woman has to choose from
HYPNOBIRTH is one. This is a birthing method that uses focused
Were My Births Abby Normal?
10/22/2009 09:25 AM
I wanted an unmedicated HYPNOBIRTH with baby #1, and ended up with
the whole shebang and a C-section…..Abby Normal.
Best Self Hypnosis CD
10/28/2009 03:01 PM
Learn About Autosuggestion. Not everyone can be HYPNOTIZED, but the
benefits of using hypnosis are well rewarding. Visualization ca In
the Mail (for October pt. 3)
10/28/2009 11:03 AM
...among female guards at a plutonium processing plant in Colorado,
things get really weird: HYPNOTIZED personnel talk cryptically about
Sean Michael Andrews C.H. C.I. - added
10/28/2009 10:49 AM
... We were doing street
hypnosis in NYC and this young man volunteered to be HYPNOTIZED.
When the computer interferes with your outdoor time
10/28/2009 06:44 AM
...eyed at Facebook or WordPress or Gaia or whatever computer program
with which you’re currently HYPNOTIZED. You can’t
leave. What if...
Bob Iger is freaking out about this Baby Einstein scandal
10/28/2009 02:30 AM
We don't have millions of HYPNOTIZED zombies out there who'll buy a
bag of broken glass and razorblades as long as it has our logo on it.
Christy shares her daughther, Caroline’s Birth
10/28/2009 10:28 AM
I do have pictures on my blog. It is the unedited/non hypnobabies
version of my story and even longer! In fact I had to post it in two
parts. I actually had a photographer there and have over 250 pictures
but as you can imagine not all are suitable for posting on the web!
Here is our blog: Part ...
Beautiful Unplanned Home Birth
10/27/2009 04:21 AM
Background: We live in Taiwan (Asia). DH left on a long and necessary
business trip to Europe and planned to return to Taiwan at 39w. While
this was cutting it close, I myself was born a week late and I'd read
that first babies usually take a little longer to "bake" so I figured
Rose in Maryland â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
10/24/2009 09:43 AM
Rose Quintilian HCHI (240) 631-8177 Montgomery County, MD As a Hypnomom of
two great kids, I KNOW that Hypnobabies can work wonders! My
experiences were so wonderful, I had to become a Hypnobabies
instructor. I'm so excited to be helping ...
Elise’s Easy and Comfortable Hypnobabies Hospital Birth
10/24/2009 04:12 AM
Our precious baby girl was born 2:40 a.m. on September 29! Â Here is
the story: I was working at my laptop at the dining room table until
after 11:30 p.m. on the 28th (my "guess" date). Â I was having some
mild contractions, but I had been having them for two months due to an
irritable ...
Sheridan Ripley â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
10/22/2009 09:04 AM
I am Sheridan and I am addicted to Hypnobabies. I took Hypnobabies
with Carole for my 3rd baby (Bryson) and LOVED it. I had an
incredible birth which now more than 460.000 people have seen on You
Tube. The other day Bryson (who is almost 4) said, "You aren't my
mom."Â I ...
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