Lisa Smith added a discussion
11/25/2009 09:07 AM
I have been a certified, practicing HYPNOTHERAPIST for 13 ...
Susan French replied to GIL BOYNE's discussion 'HYPNOTHERAPIST...
11/25/2009 05:46 AM
Susan Frenchreplied to GIL BOYNE's discussion 'HYPNOTHERAPIST admits
sexual assault on client' Yes, Conrad, I believe you become what
weird day
11/25/2009 05:03 AM
Long and emotional session with HYPNOTHERAPIST touching on some dark
stuff - bad. Feeling better after he has helped me to see some light
at the... Certified
Ericksonian HYPNOTHERAPIST - North West £649 (7 days)
11/25/2009 03:48 AM
Description: SUGAR NLP provide great value, great fun courses in NLP
and Hypnosis based in Kendal, The Lake District. Hypnosis
Without Trance Workshop
11/24/2009 04:53 AM
Whether you are a Clinical Hypnotist, NLPer, HYPNOTHERAPIST,
performer or enthusiast, it will pay you to be aware of this original
Hypnotherapy â€" Post Surgery â€" (Natural News)
11/13/2009 08:46 PM
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46
million inpatient surgeries were performed in 2006. This statistic
does not include outpatient surgeries where people are released within
24 hours after surgery. Preoperative surgery often causes anxiety
because people have a fear of ...
The Secret That Lies Hidden In Your Subconscious Mind
11/03/2009 03:39 AM
Your subconscious mind is the powerhouse behind your automatic habits
and behaviors. As an example, this remarkable part of your mind lets
you drive your car while your thoughts are elsewhere. You can make
turns, accelerate, or brake without thinking about it. Activating your
subconscious ...
Janet in New Mexico â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
11/21/2009 09:55 AM
Janet Field HCHI, CHt, CD, BS EarlyChildhood Development (505)
Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM TEAM TEACHERS: Janet
Field HCHI, CHt, CD, BS Early Childhood Development 505 797-5935 http://www.ja
Successful External Version with Hypnobabies!
11/19/2009 04:30 AM
When I was 37 weeks, 5 days, my midwife discovered my baby was in the
breech position. Â For me, this was especially disappointing, as I am
desperately hoping for a VBAC. I was really upset to think my
chances for a VBAC were flying out the window because of a breech
baby. For a week I
Another wonderful Hypnobabies Birth Story!
11/09/2009 04:50 AM
This time from a Hypnobabies Instructor in Atlanta!
Kendra in Indiana â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
11/08/2009 09:36 AM
Kendra Shortz  HCHI, CHt, NLP Practitioner
219-669-0769Â cell 219-843-2901Â home Medaryville, IN Certified
Clinical Hypnotherapist / Hypnotist Certified Hypnobabies Childbirth
Hypnosis Instructor NLP Practitioner I offer both group and private
Hypnobabies classes in the ...
Mikayla’s Fast VBAC birth story
11/07/2009 05:36 AM
Mikayla's fast and un-medicated VBAC birth story At 2:12 am on
Tuesday the 13th of October, I felt a funny kick that woke me up. Soon
after I started having some pressure waves. I wasn't too worried about
them, as I have been having practice waves for weeks, but these were
very regular ...
Janet in New Mexico â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
11/21/2009 09:55 AM
Janet Field HCHI, CHt, CD, BS EarlyChildhood Development (505)
Albuquerque, NM Albuquerque and Santa Fe, NM TEAM TEACHERS: Janet
Field HCHI, CHt, CD, BS Early Childhood Development 505 797-5935 http://www.ja
Successful External Version with Hypnobabies!
11/19/2009 04:30 AM
When I was 37 weeks, 5 days, my midwife discovered my baby was in the
breech position. Â For me, this was especially disappointing, as I am
desperately hoping for a VBAC. I was really upset to think my
chances for a VBAC were flying out the window because of a breech
baby. For a week I
Another wonderful Hypnobabies Birth Story!
11/09/2009 04:50 AM
This time from a Hypnobabies Instructor in Atlanta!
Kendra in Indiana â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
11/08/2009 09:36 AM
Kendra Shortz  HCHI, CHt, NLP Practitioner
219-669-0769Â cell 219-843-2901Â home Medaryville, IN Certified
Clinical Hypnotherapist / Hypnotist Certified Hypnobabies Childbirth
Hypnosis Instructor NLP Practitioner I offer both group and private
Hypnobabies classes in the ...
Mikayla’s Fast VBAC birth story
11/07/2009 05:36 AM
Mikayla's fast and un-medicated VBAC birth story At 2:12 am on
Tuesday the 13th of October, I felt a funny kick that woke me up. Soon
after I started having some pressure waves. I wasn't too worried about
them, as I have been having practice waves for weeks, but these were
very regular ...
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