Ivy’s Birth â€" very similar to what mom visualize during
11/10/2009 04:28 AM
Hello All! Here is my birth story, it was AMAZING. Below the birth
story is my "perfect birth" that I visualized for hypnosis(I wrote it
a few months ago). I thought I'd include it so you can see how my
perfect birth really happened almost just as I had visualized it!!!!!
Ivy was ...
Another wonderful Hypnobabies Birth Story!
11/09/2009 04:50 AM
This time from a Hypnobabies Instructor in Atlanta!
Kendra in Indiana â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
11/08/2009 09:36 AM
Kendra Shortz  HCHI, CHt, NLP Practitioner kendrashortz@yahoo.com
219-669-0769Â cell 219-843-2901Â home Medaryville, IN Certified
Clinical Hypnotherapist / Hypnotist Certified Hypnobabies Childbirth
Hypnosis Instructor NLP Practitioner I offer both group and private
Hypnobabies classes in the ...
Mikayla’s Fast VBAC birth story
11/07/2009 05:36 AM
Mikayla's fast and un-medicated VBAC birth story At 2:12 am on
Tuesday the 13th of October, I felt a funny kick that woke me up. Soon
after I started having some pressure waves. I wasn't too worried about
them, as I have been having practice waves for weeks, but these were
very regular ...
Tiffani shares her inspirational VBA2C story
11/05/2009 04:38 AM
Anyway, I had c-sections with my first two kids and knew that I
wanted this 3rd one to be born natually and vaginally. I decided on a
home birth rather than to find a doctor who would honor a VBAC,
especially after 2 sections. My husband was NOT for it at first but
the more
Avynlee’s beautiful birth.
10/30/2009 05:35 AM
I got an epidural with my first child and went natural with my
second. Â I debated the first half of my third pregnancy if I would
have a natural childbirth experience again or if I wanted the
epidural. Â When I went natural with my second, the pain was
unbearable and I thought I was going ...
Ivy’s Birth â€" very similar to what mom visualize during
11/10/2009 04:28 AM
Hello All! Here is my birth story, it was AMAZING. Below the birth
story is my "perfect birth" that I visualized for hypnosis(I wrote it
a few months ago). I thought I'd include it so you can see how my
perfect birth really happened almost just as I had visualized it!!!!!
Ivy was ...
Another wonderful Hypnobabies Birth Story!
11/09/2009 04:50 AM
This time from a Hypnobabies Instructor in Atlanta!
Kendra in Indiana â€" Hypnobabies Instructor of the Week
11/08/2009 09:36 AM
Kendra Shortz  HCHI, CHt, NLP Practitioner kendrashortz@yahoo.com
219-669-0769Â cell 219-843-2901Â home Medaryville, IN Certified
Clinical Hypnotherapist / Hypnotist Certified Hypnobabies Childbirth
Hypnosis Instructor NLP Practitioner I offer both group and private
Hypnobabies classes in the ...
Mikayla’s Fast VBAC birth story
11/07/2009 05:36 AM
Mikayla's fast and un-medicated VBAC birth story At 2:12 am on
Tuesday the 13th of October, I felt a funny kick that woke me up. Soon
after I started having some pressure waves. I wasn't too worried about
them, as I have been having practice waves for weeks, but these were
very regular ...
Tiffani shares her inspirational VBA2C story
11/05/2009 04:38 AM
Anyway, I had c-sections with my first two kids and knew that I
wanted this 3rd one to be born natually and vaginally. I decided on a
home birth rather than to find a doctor who would honor a VBAC,
especially after 2 sections. My husband was NOT for it at first but
the more
Avynlee’s beautiful birth.
10/30/2009 05:35 AM
I got an epidural with my first child and went natural with my
second. Â I debated the first half of my third pregnancy if I would
have a natural childbirth experience again or if I wanted the
epidural. Â When I went natural with my second, the pain was
unbearable and I thought I was going ...
Within Temptation
11/08/2009 12:00 PM
Within Temptation Thus I feel your eyes upon me - Caressing me gently
with the warmth of intent. Yet
Going Through The World Two
10/31/2009 06:39 AM
Creating rapport with another person increases understanding and that
sense of connection. In this w
The Agony Is So Sweet
10/29/2009 07:08 AM
my mind is blank, listening to Her ever alluring voice. laying here
in bed, as She takes me f
11/03/2009 07:52 AM
    There is the option of surgery to cure your snoring, but did
you know that you can also try rem
Hypnosis Article
10/30/2009 07:39 AM
Seasonal Affective Disorder - What is it and What Can I Do About It?
The Holiday Seasons are c
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