Induction with Hypnobabies leads to a great birth.
02/19/2011 03:24 AM
I have to say for a pitocin induction and not having the time to
really practice this time (this is my second hypnobaby) I had a pretty
decent birthing time. There are a few point you may want to use a
BOP, but for me it was just how my labor decided to progress. I
Did you LOVE Hypnobabies?
02/10/2011 01:19 AM
Share the love by easily sharing your experience. Audio testimonials
needed! Hypnobabies Moms and Birth Professionals: we will soon be
launching our new website and will be putting "audio testimonials" on
it. If you love Hypnobabies, please call our toll-free testimonial
line ...
Thank you to Hypnobabies from France!
02/08/2011 02:15 AM
Kerry Hello, Iâ™d like to take a minute to thank the Hypnobabies
team for helping me have the best birth experience of my three
children. I live overseas in France and had to go through my first
pregnancy without the help of my mom, sister or good friends. I was
learning lots of pregnancy ...
Whoosh, the whole baby slides easily out in one push!
02/05/2011 02:07 AM
I was using Fertility Awareness Method to concieve, so I knew when I
er, I mean WE concieved so the EDD (Oct. 18) was amusing to me. When
anyone asked, "When are you due?" I would say "October," when pressed
for a day I would say, "oh I dunno, babies are on ...
Awesome Hypnobabies Birth Video: Midwife doesnâ™t quite make it in
02/02/2011 10:27 AM
I love this birth video. Mom is so calm and confident despite the
fact she is pushing before the midwife gets there. Here is the
background. 6th Baby Liz used Hypnobabies. Midwife Called around 1 AM
This video was taken around 2 AM a few minutes before midwife arrives.
It was so incredible, feeling ...
Mom cries tears of joy as she births her baby using Hypnobabies.
02/01/2011 03:38 AM
LABORING AT HOME I started losing pieces of the mucus plug Monday
November 29. For the most part I had a normal day. I organized a bit
and finalized my hospital overnight bags. We had a home-cooked dinner
and went to run errands afterward. While shopping my pressure waves
were getting ...
The Agony Is So Sweet
10/29/2009 07:08 AM
my mind is blank, listening to Her ever alluring voice. laying here
in bed, as She takes me f
"Where Do We Go From Here?" Veronica #6
10/28/2009 03:10 AM
Miguel woke shortly after I did to notice the snowstorm that was
outside awaiting us. It wasnâ™t snow
10/26/2009 12:00 PM
Spellbound To be enchanted â" By the inflection of your charms as
the intimacy behind your unwavering
Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy - The Facts
01/19/2011 10:58 PM
The internet is, unfortunately, awash with false information about
hypnotism, often perpetuated by p
Stopping smoking
01/19/2011 03:51 PM
This is for those of you who smoke and have talked about giving up.
In past articles I have talked a
Oprahâ™s O magazine published the benefits of using hypnosis for
weight loss.
01/19/2011 05:11 AM
Good Housekeeping, Readerâ™s Digest, Sports Illustrated, Red Book,
Psychology Today, Ladies Home Jour
The Undrugging of Annie (Part I)
01/19/2011 12:41 AM
It is a large, square, clear plastic Rubbermaid container with a
blue-rimmed lid, and it is full of
How to REALLY achieve your goals in 2011
01/18/2011 05:06 PM
I wonder how many of you have made resolutions this year, a promise
to yourself to improve some aspe
Stressed Out? Relaaaax...With Hypnosis
10/20/2010 06:43 AM
John used to down two scotch and waters before dinner every night
just to relax enough to make the t
Snake Charmers, Kangaroos, and Missing Parts
10/19/2010 08:52 AM
Today has to be one of the best days of homecoming (granted its only
the second). Today we had a sna
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