Wednesday, July 29, 2009

(2009-7-30) Numbers Trick
Numbers Trick
07/30/2009 06:07 AM
Take Two Minutes Out
07/03/2009 03:29 PM
Eyes To The Soul Hypnosis
06/22/2009 09:20 PM

The final hypnosis video is here and it caps off the series of four
Youtube videos perfectly.

Eyes To The Soul hypnosis puts you in a deeply relaxed state
whereupon your subconscious mind is open to suggestion and training.
Here leading hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes works on improving your ...
Free Relaxtion Hypnosis - Part III
06/15/2009 09:56 PM

The third of the tetralogy of Youtube hypnosis videos is now
available. This particular self hypnosis video not only provides a
great deal of relaxation it also allows you to tap into the amazing
energy contained within the universe.

Universal Energy will leave you feeling deeply relaxed ...
Free Relaxtion Hypnosis - Part II
06/11/2009 01:13 AM

We have uploaded the second of our four part series of free hypnosis
videos. This one is entitled "Garden of Relaxation" and as the name
suggests you are taken into a beautiful, peaceful garden by clinical
hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes. Here you will find the opportunity to sit
back and relax as nature ...
Free Relaxation Hypnosis Video
06/03/2009 12:42 AM

Jon Rhodes recently sat down and recorded four short hypnosis
sessions...and the best part is that each one will be totally free!
The first of four is up on Youtube now, you can find the video
embedded below and the Youtube link.

Under the guidance of leading hypnotherapist Jon Rhodes ...
Pssst....Save Money With This Special Code
05/28/2009 09:39 PM
Feeling Fine In 2009!
01/01/2009 03:59 PM
Feel Drunk With Hypnosis
12/06/2008 03:27 AM

For a bit of fun I decided to make this hypnosis video that makes
you feel drunk for a minute or two. You can save money, and avoid the
negative effects of alcohol with this free video!
What A Great Week Ahead
07/27/2009 03:41 AM
It's All Small Stuff
06/02/2009 10:17 PM

It is so easy to get caught up in the day to day stuff that comes
up. Traffic slows to a halt, friends disappoint you, money is tight.
Over the weekend, my son who is in Argentina could not access his
money through the ATM machines. He is 13 hours by plane away, does not
speak Spanish, is ...
Weight Away Tampa Bay
05/22/2009 01:31 AM

I have been remiss in keeping up with my blog and with Twitter and
many other forms of social media recently. I apologize to my many
friends whom I know through ...
Mesmerizing The Cats?
04/22/2009 06:46 PM

While wandering through the Blogoshere a while back, I happened upon
a blog named Henson\'s Hell. [3] The humor caught my eye as I do love
to laugh and believe so much in the healing power of laughter.
Furthermore, the author Henson Ray tells of his ...
The Gift Of Hypnosis
04/14/2009 08:58 PM
Adrift On The Breeze
03/31/2009 04:30 AM

It is Spring Break for my youngest son, so I am taking some time to
enjoy his company. We are planning a trip to the local airport to
investigate his taking flying lessons. We plan a trip to one of the
amusement parks (his choice) and are taking an art class together. He
is also spending time ...
03/25/2009 11:50 PM
Artifical Intelligence Is Amazing
03/15/2009 04:33 AM

I am always interested and amazed at the development of new ideas
and technology that we have in our midst. This was just sent to me by
email and I had to share with everyone. It is amazing.
Interview With Hypnotic Storytelling Master, Robin Manuell
07/25/2009 12:58 PM

Perhaps the most powerful vehicle for conversational or indirect
hypnosis is hypnotic storytelling.
Stories allow you to immediately obliterate any resistance and weave
in suggestions and metaphors which the unconscious mind
unquestioningly accepts, allowing you to control emotions, behaviors
The Untold Secrets Of The Dave Elman Induction
07/08/2009 03:33 PM

Every hypnotist under the sun will be taught the Dave Elman
It is simple, fast and one of the most fail safe inductions that
It was the first induction ever that achieved somnambulism by design,
not luck, and for both the new and experienced hypnotist it is a
powerful ...

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