Friday, February 25, 2011

(2011-2-25) 2011 Hyundai Elantra: Deprogramming
2011 Hyundai Elantra: Deprogramming
02/15/2011 05:10 PM

For once an honest brainwashing session! Whales, didgeridoo, sitar, a
spirit animal.. you know, the
Think & Shrink Hypnosis Program
02/15/2011 12:11 PM

This is the Number One online weight loss hypnosis program. Product
sells itself. Because it helps p
Monkey See, Monkey Do
02/15/2011 10:39 AM

Jika Anda tersenyum di depan wajah bayi, apa yang dilakukan bayi
tersebut? Saya yakin bayi tersebut
Hypnosis works
02/15/2011 08:05 AM

Yes it really does work, I have used hypnosis for 11 years with
wonderful results. I use it mainly f Read
any good books lately? I have...
02/15/2011 12:42 AM

After almost 70 years of being an avid reader, not only of fiction,
and what was required during all
Instant Hypnosis Inductions - How They REALLY Work
02/16/2011 05:02 PM

I get questions all the time about instant and rapid inductions.
People watch the three second induction videos on YouTube, and are
dazzled by what they see.

The truth is that while instant inductions definitely do work, there
is actually a *lot* more too them than meets the eye, and ...
5 Steps To Instant Street Hypnosis
02/12/2011 06:46 PM

Street Hypnosis is still quite a new art, but is has taken the
hypnosis community by storm! How do you walk up to anybody, even a
complete stranger, and in mere minutes have them deep in trance, and
responding to your every suggestion?

Never one to ignore what you guys want to learn, I ...
Stronger SUN Flairs Solar Winds & Our DNA
02/20/2011 08:50 PM

Link [1]
Full Moon & Sun Flairs on our Magnetics
02/20/2011 08:45 PM

Link [2]
My friend croneinthewoods is so on target .. enjoy
CHIRON ~Wounded Healer of the Shift
02/12/2011 08:38 PM

Link [3]
This is right on target, ...
Induction with Hypnobabies leads to a great birth.
02/19/2011 03:24 AM

I have to say for a pitocin induction and not having the time to
really practice this time (this is my second hypnobaby) I had a pretty
decent birthing time.  There are a few point you may want to use a
BOP, but for me it was just how my labor decided to progress.  I
Did you LOVE Hypnobabies?
02/10/2011 01:19 AM

Share the love by easily sharing your experience. Audio testimonials
needed! Hypnobabies Moms and Birth Professionals: we will soon be
launching our new website and will be putting "audio testimonials" on
it. If you love Hypnobabies, please call our toll-free testimonial
line ...
Thank you to Hypnobabies from France!
02/08/2011 02:15 AM

Kerry Hello, I’d like to take a minute to thank the Hypnobabies
team for helping me have the best birth experience of my three
children. I live overseas in France and had to go through my first
pregnancy without the help of my mom, sister or good friends.  I was
learning lots of pregnancy ...
Whoosh, the whole baby slides easily out in one push!
02/05/2011 02:07 AM

I was using Fertility Awareness Method to concieve, so I knew when I
er, I mean WE concieved so the EDD (Oct. 18) was amusing to me. When
anyone asked, "When are you due?" I would say "October," when pressed
for a day I would say, "oh I dunno, babies are on ...
Awesome Hypnobabies Birth Video: Midwife doesn’t quite make it in
02/02/2011 10:27 AM

I love this birth video. Mom is so calm and confident despite the
fact she is pushing before the midwife gets there. Here is the
background. 6th Baby Liz used Hypnobabies. Midwife Called around 1 AM
This video was taken around 2 AM a few minutes before midwife arrives.
It was so incredible, feeling ...
Mom cries tears of joy as she births her baby using Hypnobabies.
02/01/2011 03:38 AM

LABORING AT HOME I started losing pieces of the mucus plug Monday
November 29. For the most part I had a normal day. I organized a bit
and finalized my hospital overnight bags. We had a home-cooked dinner
and went to run errands afterward. While shopping my pressure waves
were getting ...

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