Saturday, January 29, 2011

(2011-1-30) Last Chance to Register for St. Louis Hypnobabies Instructor Training!
Last Chance to Register for St. Louis Hypnobabies Instructor
01/29/2011 03:16 AM

Hypnobabies Instructor Training - Registration for our St. Louis
Training in March 2011 ENDS next Monday: 1-31-11. Anyone who is
interested in bringing Hypnobabies to your own community, please call
now: 714-952-2229.
Hypnobabies Really Works even with a 90 minute car drive to birth
01/05/2011 04:47 AM

On wed night, nov. 17th I went to bed close to midnight. I was
feeling some practice waves( I thought) which wasn't alarming because
I had been having them for 6 weeks or more. A little before 2:00 am I
woke up feeling stronger waves. They were so strong and close that I
couldn't ...
Birth is truly amazing, Hypnobabies helped me experience it in comfort
and without any fear.
12/31/2010 04:43 AM

This was my second hypnobirth and my 1st homebirth.  It’s a long
story of a fairly short birth. On Monday the 15th I started feeling
contractions that were definitely stronger then braxton hicks but they
came with about the same frequency as I’d been having braxton hicks
so I didn’t ...
Nate’s Great Birth
12/29/2010 05:33 AM

Nathaniel Alexander January 12 at 6:11am 7lb 12oz, 20 in long Nate
has been in our hearts forever but made his appearance in flesh early
on a Monday morning after about 8.5 hours of birthing time.  He is
our third son. During the preceding weeks, I had many practice
pressure waves, some of which ...
Summer’s Birth â€" Homebirth where midwife makes it just in
12/24/2010 05:53 AM

This pregnancy was sooo much different from Garrett’s. I had been
experiencing Prodromal Labor for a month, and was beginning to wonder
if our little bugger was ever going to join us. The day before my
birthing time began, we were scheduled for a Biophysical Profile/NST.
The tech said the baby ...
Welcome Abriella Grace â€" Mom giggles and chats through birth
12/22/2010 06:07 AM

Abriella Grace 9/18 9:18 am 7lbs 12oz 19 1/2in This was my first
hypnobaby. My first two were natural-one in bed, the second a water
birth. Water broke with the first two as the start of labor and then
5-6hr labors which came on fast and strong. This time I had been using
my positive [...]
Last Chance to Register for St. Louis Hypnobabies Instructor
01/29/2011 03:16 AM

Hypnobabies Instructor Training - Registration for our St. Louis
Training in March 2011 ENDS next Monday: 1-31-11. Anyone who is
interested in bringing Hypnobabies to your own community, please call
now: 714-952-2229.
Hypnobabies Really Works even with a 90 minute car drive to birth
01/05/2011 04:47 AM

On wed night, nov. 17th I went to bed close to midnight. I was
feeling some practice waves( I thought) which wasn't alarming because
I had been having them for 6 weeks or more. A little before 2:00 am I
woke up feeling stronger waves. They were so strong and close that I
couldn't ...
Birth is truly amazing, Hypnobabies helped me experience it in comfort
and without any fear.
12/31/2010 04:43 AM

This was my second hypnobirth and my 1st homebirth.  It’s a long
story of a fairly short birth. On Monday the 15th I started feeling
contractions that were definitely stronger then braxton hicks but they
came with about the same frequency as I’d been having braxton hicks
so I didn’t ...
Nate’s Great Birth
12/29/2010 05:33 AM

Nathaniel Alexander January 12 at 6:11am 7lb 12oz, 20 in long Nate
has been in our hearts forever but made his appearance in flesh early
on a Monday morning after about 8.5 hours of birthing time.  He is
our third son. During the preceding weeks, I had many practice
pressure waves, some of which ...
Summer’s Birth â€" Homebirth where midwife makes it just in
12/24/2010 05:53 AM

This pregnancy was sooo much different from Garrett’s. I had been
experiencing Prodromal Labor for a month, and was beginning to wonder
if our little bugger was ever going to join us. The day before my
birthing time began, we were scheduled for a Biophysical Profile/NST.
The tech said the baby ...
Welcome Abriella Grace â€" Mom giggles and chats through birth
12/22/2010 06:07 AM

Abriella Grace 9/18 9:18 am 7lbs 12oz 19 1/2in This was my first
hypnobaby. My first two were natural-one in bed, the second a water
birth. Water broke with the first two as the start of labor and then
5-6hr labors which came on fast and strong. This time I had been using
my positive [...]
Mina's Cesarean Birth due to being a surprise breech!
02/03/2010 10:29 AM

Our Beautiful Birth Story The arrival of our precious little girl
finally came about!  Mina was born
Q Un gran rio ci
Questions About Lady Izzabelle
11/01/2008 11:42 AM

Why does this Lady excite me so? Is it the young man's desire to
earnestly please, a Woman, a
Obedience Equals Pleasure
10/23/2008 09:19 AM

Floating in a cloud of euphoric bliss, dark wisps of sensuous silken
delight, stroking my skin. Euph
Lady Izzabelle's Spell
10/23/2008 09:08 AM

I have become addicted to Her, To Lady Izzabelle. This One, this
Siren works and plies Her craft wel The
Passion Burns
10/21/2008 10:00 AM

Who is this spirit who has touched my mind, heart and soul? I now
feel songs deep within that where

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