Thursday, August 26, 2010

(2010-8-27) A Simply Philosophy of Life
A Simply Philosophy of Life
08/23/2010 11:14 PM

WORK: it keeps the mind occupied and nimble and delivers purpose.
PLAY: it balances the time, effort, and anguish of work. FIGHT: only
for what is worth fighting for. LOVE: only what is worth loving, and
do so with all your heart. BELIEVE: in something, but believe every
day. -Mark Bouris, ...
Perception? A Question To Ponder…
08/18/2010 05:50 AM

THE SITUATION In Washington, DC, at a Metro Station, on a cold
January morning in 2007, this man with a violin played six Bach pieces
for about 45 minutes. During that time, approximately 2,000 people
went through the station, most of them on their way to work. After
about 3 minutes, a middle-aged ...
What if the law made epidurals not a “free” option?
08/20/2010 10:28 PM

There is an interesting post on the Unnecesarean about a Utah
Lawmaker who may propose cutting the use of epidurals to save
money.   It is creating some interesting comments. Here is the basic
idea from the Daily Herald: Under the theory that perhaps thousands of
Utah college students are having ...
Navy Seals Watch Out, Hypnobabies Moms on a Rampage!
08/16/2010 09:01 PM

I was watching a program about how the brain works the other day on
Discovery Health and a segment explored how the brain reacts to fear
and pain. They talked about how Navy Seals train their brains to deal
with the extremely physically and emotionally stressful situations in
which they will have ...
Natural Birth or Epidural?
08/25/2010 08:04 PM

So, from the beginning of the pregnancy, Alice has been planning on
getting an epidural. Nothing is
Planning the Birth/Communication
08/25/2010 12:26 AM

It seems like each hypnobirth class becomes easier. I don't feel as
awkward, and I feel like I
Why does your mind go blank in front of a hot girl?
08/26/2010 05:01 AM

Have you even been in the situation where you walk up to a hot girl
and your mind goes completely bl
Dealing with Emotional Pain
08/26/2010 04:57 AM

Hey guys Today I am going to talk about emotional pain and our
strategies for dealing with it. Yeste
Setting Impossible Goals
08/26/2010 04:54 AM

Hey all Every day I get emails from guys all over the world telling
me about their pick up and confi
Playing the Status Game
08/26/2010 04:38 AM

Hey guys In the pick up community there is a lot of discuss about
being alpha male, status and domin
Are Looks Important for Inner Game?
08/26/2010 04:31 AM

Hey all The argument about looks is always a hot topic in the pick up
community. Some gurus claim th
Explorations of the Mind
08/25/2010 08:40 AM

I am a hypnotist. A damn good one, if you ask me. Or my best
customers. I am also an explorer of the
A Simply Philosophy of Life
08/23/2010 11:14 PM

WORK: it keeps the mind occupied and nimble and delivers purpose.
PLAY: it balances the time, effort

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