Sight for All To See - www plumperpass com (BBW)
01/17/2010 06:51 AM
Scarlett is in a league of her own as she is hot and is super sexy.
She can HYPNOTIZE any man with those bright eyes and make them her
love toy.
This Girl Sucks â€Â" Danica Dillan
01/17/2010 04:12 AM
...she can’t stop sucking cock. She’s addicted to it.
I’m going to HYPNOTIZE her and help her overcome her
problem… wait no, no I’m not.
You're not supposed to HYPNOTIZE yourself.
01/17/2010 03:59 AM
How handy that the person that manufactured that trick made it
generic enough for you to use.
A:G - Nu-DiscoHouse pt12
01/17/2010 12:43 AM
...iO Cabaret ... CRAZY P Love On The Line (Art Of Tones dub)
Soulscience HYPNOTIZE You feat. Dennis Baker - Atjazz Afrotech Remix
Notorious B.I.G.- Discography-[CD Rip]
01/16/2010 09:01 PM
B.I.G. - B.I.G. [Interlude] Disc 1 / Notorious B.I.G. - Fuck you
Tonight Disc 1 / Notorious B.I.G. - HYPNOTIZE Disc 1 / Notorious
B.I.G. - I...
Of The "Metaphysics" Of Online Communities, Pt 3 (Social Networks I'm
having too much
fun ...
Of The "Metaphysics" Of Online Communities, Pt 2
11/10/2008 06:20 PM
Like a lot of web denizens, Yahoo was my first "community"
on the WWW. I surfed it, built Groups there, mostly related
to hypnosis, though I did build Groups that had other themes.
It was also my main chat system for many years. I don't chat
as much as I used to, and ...
Fractal Art
11/08/2008 07:46 PM
I play with Fractal generators occasionally. Here is some of my
latest output. My main tools are: Incendia, Apophysis, Visions of
Chaos, and on the Mac platform, Quadrium Prime. I'm also learning a
couple of 3D renderers; when I have enough output from them, I will
begin a second album just for
Of The "Metaphysics" of Online Communities...Part 1
11/03/2008 04:52 AM
Think of my Internet "Universe" as you would
if you were the European Space Agency, or
even NASA.
I myself am like a satelite, or maybe even a
Sigh...(Another Site like LV, Perhaps?)
10/31/2008 03:32 PM
I think this blog entry may soon become Standard Operating Procedure
for all internet communities I am member but not owner of.
Yes, I join many networks, and usually at the urging of friends and/or
Due to the sheer number of memberships I have, NO, I may NOT ...
How Hypnotherapy Works
01/11/2010 12:25 AM
To understand how hypnotherapy works, we first need a general
understanding of the conscious and subconscious mind. The Conscious
Mind The conscious mind is the logical, rational mind that asks
critical questions and analyzes situations. It also stores our
temporary memory, which enables us to ...
New Year Resolutions Anyone Can Keep
12/30/2009 11:24 PM
Too often individuals on the path to self-improvement begin the New
Year with high-resolve and even higher standards that for the most
part, are near impossible to keep. With human nature, when we set the
bar high for ourselves- and end up failing, what we're doing is
actually keeping the ...
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