Thanks Hypnobabies for avoiding drugs during surgery while
12/20/2009 08:16 AM
Because of some pretty major intestinal problems, I had to have a
colonoscopy done and some bleeding in my large intestine cauterized on
Monday. Â Generally, these procedures are done with substantial
sedation and pain medication, but I'm 26 weeks pregnant and didn't
want to put those ...
Hypnobabies On Facebook
12/18/2009 08:08 AM
Hypnobabies now has an Official Facebook Page Become a Fan today!
Lovely Informational Video about Hypnobabies!
12/18/2009 08:06 AM
Zoe’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth
12/16/2009 10:36 AM
Zoe's EDD was September 19th, but her older siblings were both
"early."Â I just KNEW she'd be born around 37-38 weeks and had
already been off work for 2 weeks. I was growing more frustrated by
the day since I set my expectations so early and OB was pressuring an
Fast, easy 3 hour birth for a first time mom!
12/14/2009 01:41 PM
We had a planned home water birth. We had no ultrasounds. I was GBS+
but successfully used natural methods to become GBS-! It was nearly
perfect! We had the baby 2 days after her "due" (guess) date (Please
use your BOP) We were lazy on Sunday and watched a lot of TV. Paul ...
Thanks Hypnobabies for avoiding drugs during surgery while
12/20/2009 08:16 AM
Because of some pretty major intestinal problems, I had to have a
colonoscopy done and some bleeding in my large intestine cauterized on
Monday. Â Generally, these procedures are done with substantial
sedation and pain medication, but I'm 26 weeks pregnant and didn't
want to put those ...
Hypnobabies On Facebook
12/18/2009 08:08 AM
Hypnobabies now has an Official Facebook Page Become a Fan today!
Lovely Informational Video about Hypnobabies!
12/18/2009 08:06 AM
Zoe’s Hypnobabies Hospital Birth
12/16/2009 10:36 AM
Zoe's EDD was September 19th, but her older siblings were both
"early."Â I just KNEW she'd be born around 37-38 weeks and had
already been off work for 2 weeks. I was growing more frustrated by
the day since I set my expectations so early and OB was pressuring an
Fast, easy 3 hour birth for a first time mom!
12/14/2009 01:41 PM
We had a planned home water birth. We had no ultrasounds. I was GBS+
but successfully used natural methods to become GBS-! It was nearly
perfect! We had the baby 2 days after her "due" (guess) date (Please
use your BOP) We were lazy on Sunday and watched a lot of TV. Paul ...
Zoe's Hypnobabies Hospital Birth
12/16/2009 10:36 AM
Zoe's EDD was September 19th, but her older siblings were both
"early."Â I just KN
Funny Hypnobirth Song
11/13/2009 11:43 AM
I found this video and loved it! So for all you hypnosis and
childbirth educators and moms, this on How
To Hypnotize: Conversational Hypnotism That Works
12/16/2009 01:33 AM
I’ve been fascinated with hypnotism and the proven power of
self-hypnosis (such as self-healing thro
Fleetwood Mac - Mystery To Me (1973)
11/19/2009 04:09 AM
Without a doubt the best Fleetwood Mac ever released. You owe it to
yourself to get this one.
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