Tuesday, August 11, 2009

(2009-8-12) Birth Location Matters!

Birth Location Matters!
08/09/2009 03:00 AM

A mom posted this on the Hypnobabies Yahoo Group and I asked if I
could share it here.  I think it shows the importance of choosing
your birth location carefully.  Yes, she could have chosen a hospital
MUCH closer, but she wouldn't be having the birth she wanted there! Hi
all!  I'm ...

Teeth and Birth?
08/08/2009 02:40 AM

Why would you have natural childbirth?  Why would you want to feel
all that pain?  You wouldn’t get a tooth pulled without drugs, why
would you give birth without drugs?     Mind Shift â€" Dental Work
and Hypnosis Well, I had a huge mind shift when I saw videos of people
getting dental work ...

Avery’s Beautiful Birth
08/06/2009 01:33 PM

In the days after Avery’s birth, Kerry’s sweet voice continued
to echo in my ears. The voice of an angel who helped us have the very
birth we dreamed of. What a wonderful thing to say!  Read Avery's
whole birth here! http://enjoybirth.wordpress.com/2009/08/10/would-you-get-your-teeth-drilled-without-drugs/
Would you get your teeth drilled without drugs?
08/10/2009 11:28 PM

Then why would you give birth without drugs? This is a common
question asked to moms preparing for N

Teeth and Birth?
08/08/2009 02:40 AM

Why would you have natural childbirth?  Why would you want to feel
all that pain?  You wouldn’t get

More Odds and Ends
06/19/2009 12:43 AM

I keep getting behind, or not posting enough anyway. Here are some
more links that you might find in

10/06/2009 12:00 PM

Infatuation Speak to me in colors That tinted are the windows to
your soul Might  that I marvel in

10/26/2009 12:00 PM

Spellbound To be enchanted â€" By the inflection of your charms as
the intimacy behind your unwaverin

INSOMNIA: How to get rid of insomnia with hypnosis
08/07/2009 11:23 AM

About every tenth person suffers from insomnia, and the majority of
these people take sleep medicati

Hypno & Smoking
08/06/2009 03:09 AM

On Monday at 6PM I met with Dr. Jay Wilson, DC in order to stop
smoking once and for all.  Dr. Wilso

Local Hypnosis & Wellness Organization to Help Locals Stop
08/04/2009 03:47 AM

Dateline August 3, 2009 For Immediate Release: Local Hypnosis
border="0" ...

Hypnotherapy London Success with Hypnosis
07/14/2009 10:51 PM

The Powers of Hypnosis Hypnosis is gaining popularity among people
these days. There is a growth in

The Ultimate Hypnosis Workshop - 8-9 Agustus 2009
07/13/2009 08:54 AM

NLP Class The Ultimate Hypnosis Workshop! HYPNOSIS PRACTITIONER

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